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Hokey Pokey Kiosk Installation

02 Jul 2020 | Kuber Chopra, Creative & Strategy Director

This year we redesigned Hokey Pokey’s packaging. Instead of a round, it’s a 3 sided tub with its own printing challenges. Upside, it stands out at retail by virtue of it’s structure. Folks at Hokey Pokey tested the tub from production to sales environment to see if the shape and the new colour stand stead from factory to freezer.

We could stop there as often branding does. But we wanted to showcase this interesting shaped ice-cream tub with every opportunity we had.

One such was a franchisee kiosk that was coming up in Gurgaon.

It seemed only natural for us to extend the tub identity to the kiosk.

At about 20% extra cost from a standard kiosk we had a branding element rather than just another point of distribution.

The project had it’s challenges but the output feels very worth it.